#39 - Challenging My Deepest Fears
Updated: Jan 11, 2024
By KC Johnson

Not long ago while getting ready to go to sleep I had some deeply disturbing thoughts about my death. With heart-pounding intensity I began thinking about dying, about how I would die, and how soon. I’ve only confronted these discomforting thoughts a few times before and would start engaging my mind in ways to distract myself from going any further or dwelling on these questions. But this time was different because I was able to discuss this with my aware self-soul partners, and to my surprise, answers came to me loud and clear.
Prior to this point in time I was not able to understand the forces behind my micro-voices and had not realized the connections I have with my soul. But in the past couple of years, I have gained much clarity as to my place in this lifetime and the tasks I’m here to perform. But the intensity of my death thoughts, still linger in my mind, indicating that I have work to do to resolve the fears associated with my ultimate life challenge.
I was able to get some answers that eased my disquieted mind by asking specific questions and waiting for the ethereally distant answers. Since I have made peace with my many micro-voices I am no longer nagged with judgments and constantly cascading fears interfering with my thoughts. This allows me to hear that tiny voice giving me short and clear answers. And it is important for me to not re-ask and doubt what is given to me. Trusting the communications from my soul through my aware self is all important.
I did flash back to my childhood when the scrawny me would be trapped under the bed covers by my much bigger sister in a game of torture-the-little-brother. I would kick and scream and beg to be let out permanently scarring me from anything claustrophobic or that suffocated me. Needless to say, that has always been my greatest fear. So, I asked my soul how I would die, would it be by suffocation? The answer was no. Then I asked if I would die before completing this dream I’ve had for at least ten years of starting this blogging community. Again, the answer was no.
I began thinking about why I’m so focused on my death from suffocation and was it really stemming from my sister having fun with me. My sense now is that this may be an example of a past life experience bleeding through into this life, whether it was how I died then, or that I caused the death of another person, and now I get to deal with those thoughts in this lifetime. These death-thoughts may even pre-date my inner little boy development of his fears. I just don’t know at this point.
These are unsettling thoughts for most of us to contemplate, so I’m not asking anyone to contribute their own experiences if they find this difficult to do.But let’s have a discussion about how we face our deaths, and perhaps we can help each other develop perspectives that allow us to gain greater peace.Remember to be gentle with each other and to give loving support.Just letting someone tell their story can be healing.We don’t have go into commentary and analysis about their thoughts and experiences.If that person asks for feedback, then do so from a point of compassion and non-judgment. - kc
If we are attached to our individual consciousness separate from the universe as a whole, then our individual passing in this life is a horrifying thought. Since we can only base our existence on our individual perception, it is hard to keep the mindset that we will either return to God or to the world with our matter after our passing. This is a small comfort in the face of an end to the existence of the id. It is from this thought that I think the nurturing of a broader experience of the soul is beneficial in the face of death, which is born out by the suicidal ideation of military operatives when classified by faith.